She Inspires Me

Along this journey of launching and growing my businesses, and basically just uprooting my whole life now, in order to make a better one for the future, I often have times of reflection.
One of those moments was spurred on by comments made to me by a few friends. Words of encouragement about this new path I am on. Words of motivation and inspiration, and pride. Generally letting me know, that they stand with me, and that I am showing that this can be done. Dreams and goals can be achieved. This got me thinking about what or who led me to this point. What inspired me? Who inspired me? I realised, there are many females that are or have been a part of my life, who have given me that inspiration. She inspired me!
My first female inspiration was most definitely the strong, brave, fearsome woman that was my mum, Loretta Lee. Heartbreakingly, she passed away in November 2015, but the values and lessons she taught me have kept me grounded. The determination and drive she instilled in me has given me the strength to keep going. My mum inspired me to aim high. My mum inspired me to set goals for myself, and to work hard and smart to achieve them. My mum inspired me to speak my mind and be upfront. My mum inspired me!
It is from that inspiration and those values taught, I find myself in the place I am today. A place where despite whatever set-backs, heartbreaks and disappointments, I somehow, through the grace of God, manage to keep going. Whereby I aim for various things in my life, whether it be in my personal or business, and work my toosh off to acheive them. Some say I have tunnel vision when it comes to my goals. I got my eye on the prize and that is my only focus. In some ways that is a good thing, because you have your eyes firmly fixed on your goal. In other ways, it is not so great, because you can end up missing out on some of the beautiful things around you.
In addition to my mum many women have inspired me in various aspects of my life. My previous boss Jennifer Obaseki, the first black woman I knew that had her own thriving successful business, a solicitor's firm don't you know. A mum & now a friend from the boys' school, Kareen Cox. Again a successful black businesswoman. My sister-in-law Rohna, who has inspired me to be softer and less harsh. My good friend Winnie who reminds me to get messy & be silly with my boys, not everyday serious. My amazing friend Marcia who inspires me to stay strong, and that better is coming. My best friend Miritsa who inspires me to keep going. I could go on and on. In addition to those around me, there are females in the media, too many to mention, who inspire me for their own various reasons. So many women I have come into contact with or just watched, who have inspired me to be a better mother, a better friend, just generally a better woman.
I just want to say thank you to all these amazing, beautiful women. I hope that I too can be a positive inspiration to someone else, just like they are to me. I too want to make a positve impact on someone's life, some way, some how.
Just as I say She Inspires Me, I hope one day someone can say the same about me.