Warrior Women!

Well it's been quite a while since I blogged. I've been so busy, coupled with a bit of a mental block, has meant I've not been able to get on here as much as I have wanted to.
That said, there was no way I could not write this blog, about some amazing women who have put self aside and given back to help others in one way or another. They have allowed their own personal experiences to be of benefit to others.

Nadine French (Caring Hearts Foundation)
Nadine is the founder of the Caring Hearts Foundation. After the devastating effects to the Caribbean from Hurricane Irma, Nadine gathered her team to put on a 5K fun run in Albany Park, Enfield, North London.
Participants & their supporters were fed & watered with food & drinks throughout the day, all provided by CHF, and entertained with music by SnB International. After completing their walk/run, participants were issued with a certificate. T-shirt and hat merchandise were on sale, and any supporters to the cause were able to drop off food and clothing donations to be shipped to the Caribbean. A total of over £1,000 was raised on the day, and donations, both monetary and physical can still be made.
(All photo rights belong to the Caring Hearts Foundation)
To make a monetary donation to CHF go to:

Cherice Jno-Lewis
After hurricane Maria destroyed the beautiful island of Dominica, Cherice did not think twice about springing into action. Coming from a Dominican heritage, this one touched Cherice's heart in a very personal way. Within hours, she had arranged for food & clothing donations. She went out and bought supplies and transported them all to the Dominican High Commission on the Saturday afternoon. Not content with just doing that, she then arranged a cake sale at the school where she works, where over £350 was raised.
Cherice is currently collecting donations for the barrel to send out to Dominica, and also monetary donations on her Go Fund Me page. To arrange delivery / drop off for clothes and/or food, contact Cherice on cherry_no1@hotmail.com. To make a monetary donation, go to the Go Fund Me page www.gofundme.com/4geh1tk

Gillian Trim
This one is very close to my heart. This amazing, strong woman is my cousin. She battled breast cancer a few years ago and won.
She has undergone a double mastectomy, but has not let that stop her. She organised a Zumbathon just over a year ago to raise funds towards breast cancer research, and does so much more to help to raise awareness of this nasty disease, and also be a support to the friends she made along this journey she went on.
One of the amazingly brave things she has done, was to make the inspirational move to be part of a campaign to bare her mastectomy scars, in order to raise awareness about breast cancer. Through all that she went through, she never lost her smile and her booming laugh, and was still able to be a constant to support to her loved ones.
She is a true inspiration to me and I am proud to be a part of her family.
You can read all about the campaign here www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4938556/Photo-series-shows-women-baring-mastectomy-scars.html

(October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month)

Candice Lee
I've had to psych myself up for this one, as it's still quite painful to talk about. As well as breast cancer awareness month, October is also Pregnancy Loss & Stillbirth Month.
I myself have experienced the loss of 5 babies. I have what is known as an incompetent cervix, which means I go into labour too early in my pregnancy, and end up with a stillborn baby. For those of you who watch Coronation Street, I have the exact same issue Michelle (Actress Kym Marsh) went through. It's what is known as PPROM (Pre-Premature Rupture of Membranes). That basically means my waters break in my second trimester, baby has not developed enough to survive outside of the womb, and basically passes away either in the womb or very soon after delivery. Thankfully after much heartache I have two crazy boys.
Thanks to my late mum, who paid for private investigations and working with my consultant, we seem to know what preventative measures we can take, should I get pregnant again, to hopefully stop me having to experience another loss. Not everyone is in such a position to pay for private investigations.
So in light of that, as October is raising awareness of pregnancy loss and stillbirth, I am donating 10% of all Butterflyy Bliss sales made during this month to Tommy's. Tommy's fund research into miscarriage, stillbirth & premature birth.

I know there are plenty more amazing warrior women doing their bit for others and using their own personal circumstances to encourage others.
Warrior Women, I salute you.